Friday 8 April 2011

Finished Opening Sequence

My Finished Evaluation

These are an example of notes we had in our meeting. This is where we started to form the final ideas for our opening.
This is our shooting schedule. We planned to film all our footage in two days, and we successfully completed this. Having this guideline helped us to be a lot more organised so our filming went a lot smoother. 
This is a storyboard for our Opening Sequence. I took a variety of shots from all over the storyboard and went into detail with them. It consists of the shot no., duration, information on the camera, sound, titles, visual style and notes on the different shots.

This is our detailed treatment form. It includes all the different elements of sound and visual effects we will be adding into our Opening Sequence. 
This is the planning for our Opening Sequence. Answering these questions helped me understand exactly what I had to incorporate into the planning of the opening, and things we would have to consider when creating it.