Friday 11 February 2011

The Ring Opening Sequence

Firstly we see the production company of the film The Ring which is dream works, but instead of being played normally we see a scratch and this makes it look like the film is being interrupted but really it has been used to make the film look more scary. This also establishes the genre of the movie which is horror and thriller. Then we see the two characters introduced by a slow zoom into their faces while they are watching a film to make it look effective and also because it is used at the start on the production company.
The dialogue in this film is slow and deep to grab the audiences attention, it brings us in to the  film because it feels like she is talking to us. Also to make the film more scary they use dark lighting and all we can see is shadows on their faces, which makes their teeth and eyes stand out the most so this is what the audience will be focusing on the most. The phone rings which is diegetic sound and because before they were laughing and joking it brings tension and makes the audience on the edge of their seat because they don't know who's going to be at the other end of the phone. There is also slow non-diegetic sound over the top of the phone ringing this also makes the atmosphere more thrilling. The end non-diegetic sound is very effective because it is very loud and makes you jump out of your seat, and also works well because the girl is screaming as well.
The camera shots are mostly zooms which is more effective, and also we see a crash zoom into a clock which might be a symbol of the film. Tracking shots that follow the character work very well because we can only see the person we are following not what's around them. So this is very good for a scary film because we cant see the evil villain. 

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