Thursday 3 March 2011

Scream Opening Sequence

The title at the start of the movie is very different to most opening titles of scary films. The colour of the writing starts of white and changes to red which is connotations of death or love? They use non-digetic sound of people screaming and loud bangs to get the audience scared already even though nothings happening. so then when the film starts we already know that the genre is horror or thriller because it is made clear to us. When the film starts   there is digetic sound of the phone ringing but this starts when the titles are coming up and carries on into the film to make the sound more effective. 
So the main character is introduced by answering the phone, so we see her hand before we see her face. We don't know if the main character is a girl or boy at this stage because it's not that easy to tell from a hand. So this would put questions into the audience head even though it only lasts for a couple of seconds. 
At the beginning of this opening sequence the dialogue is very normal, but when the phone starts ringing constantly, we can tell that she is getting more scared as her speaks starts to become slow and slurred as she gets more scared. the sound its mostly non-digetic in this opening sequence the same as a lot of scary movies because it builds up the tension and makes the acting and everything a lot more scary. For example when he says that he can see her and she gets more worried so the music becomes or loud to suit her mood and also it becomes more upbeat as she starts to run around panicking.  Lighting starts of bright with all the house lights on but then all of a sudden her house gets darker and the lighting is dim to make the atmosphere more scary.
This movie was made in 1996 we can tell this because of her costume and the props that are in the house. Also because of her hair and make up can tell this is not a new movie and has been out a while. 

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