Friday 8 April 2011

Finished Opening Sequence

My Finished Evaluation

These are an example of notes we had in our meeting. This is where we started to form the final ideas for our opening.
This is our shooting schedule. We planned to film all our footage in two days, and we successfully completed this. Having this guideline helped us to be a lot more organised so our filming went a lot smoother. 
This is a storyboard for our Opening Sequence. I took a variety of shots from all over the storyboard and went into detail with them. It consists of the shot no., duration, information on the camera, sound, titles, visual style and notes on the different shots.

This is our detailed treatment form. It includes all the different elements of sound and visual effects we will be adding into our Opening Sequence. 
This is the planning for our Opening Sequence. Answering these questions helped me understand exactly what I had to incorporate into the planning of the opening, and things we would have to consider when creating it.

Film Production Guide Sheets

This is a brainstorm of all our ideas as a group for our opening sequence. We have also included some titles and ideas about a possible storyline. The genre's we have focused on is Thriller and this is why most of our titles are short and scary.

Thursday 7 April 2011

Research on Film Genres

"Horror films are unsettling movies that strive to elicit the emotions of fear, disgust and horror from viewers. They often feature scenes that startle the viewer through the means of macabre and the supernatural, thus frequently overlapping with the fantasy and science fiction genres. Horrors also frequently overlap with the thriller genre."
I got this information from Wikipedia.
The first sentence, is an extreme version of how we would like our opening to effect people. So we will be taking some ideas from the genre of horror.
Drama Film
"A drama film is a film genre that depends mostly on in-depth development of realistic characters dealing with emotional themes. Dramatic themes such as alcoholism, drug addiction, racial prejudice, religious intolerance, poverty, crime and corruption put the characters in conflict with themselves, others, society and even natural phenomena."
This final information is also from Wikipedia.
After reading up on information about Drama Film, I have realised that some of these elements would be vital in our opening to make it emotional for the audience.
We would like to include a mixture of all of these genres in our opening to create the effect that we would like to achieve. 
"Thriller is a genre of literature, film, video gaming and television that uses suspense, tension, and excitement as the main elements.[1] The primary subgenre is psychological thrillers."
I also found this information on Wikipedia.
Suspense, Tension and Excitement are all emotions we would like our audience to feel while watching our opening sequence.

Feedback Questions That We Have Asked Our Audience

The final question that we have asked our audience which I think is the most important 'Did you notice any serious issues such as continuity errors, strange edits- Did anything not make sense to you?'
"Story line was a bit confusing but knew roughly what was going on, sharpen the shots so they are closer together"
"Some shots were to dark, also footsteps looked a bit fake"
"Sound needs a bit of work, didn't understand the train scene"
"Over edited"
"Camera shots slighty jumpy"

Feedback Questions That We Have Asked Our Audience

Our Second question that we asked our audience 'Who do you think the target audience is?'
"Horror, 16+"
"Horror teens and mid-age"
"18, Indie Horror"

Most of the answers we got were all the same and me and my group was happy because this is the audience and genre we was aiming for. 

Feedback Questions That We Have Asked Our Audience

The first question we thought we should ask the audience is 'What was especially good about the film?'
Here are the answer we got from our audience

"Really good editing (Red Lipstick with black and white shot) Good camera work and use of sound"
"I liked the end when the camera gives different shots of the eye for example, and also when we see and here the train"
"Camera work was very good, good use of colour, lighting was very good"
"Good variety of speed (slow motion)"
"Never see the face until the end shows suspense, good shots of knife and shots of make up and nail varnish at the start"
"Good acting"

A Summary of Problems our Group has Faced

As a group we have come across many problems and mistakes that may of caused our group to be behind. But we have sorted these out in various ways. For example one problem that we have faced was the lesson when everyone learnt how to use the editing software final cut Me and Chloe was not here on this lesson so Efosa had to go through it with us again so this caused our group to be behind for a couple of lessons but we soon managed to catch up. We did this by doing a lot of work quickly so we wasn't behind anymore.

Another problem we come across was that we didn't live near to each other so it was hard to meet up to sort things out. Because Me and Chloe are close friends we live near each other so it was just getting together with Efosa and Jade to do filming etc. As we was working more together at school we became closer so it was easier to get together for filming round each other houses. But the filming and meetings were mostly done round my house as it was the easiest to get to.

Lastly another problem was the dialogue in our film which I have already stated but this put us behind a lot because it meant that we had to cut the dialogue out from Efosa and Jade and do voice over using Chloe's voice instead of Jade's but we managed to sort this out and now the dialogue fits perfectly with our film.

Dialogue In Film

We have decided to do a voice over in our film where we see Efosa and Jade on the phone to each other. This is because Jade's voice doesn't fit well with the genre and our teach told us that her accent sounds Essex. So we decided to use Chloe's voice instead and also we have made the timing right because before the dialogue was too quick. We did the voice over on garage band and also used a microphone.
there was a problem because we could hear interference from mobile phones so we had to make sure that we cut this out. 

After we have added this voice over into our film there is not much else that we need to do. So we are hoping to finish our film by Thursday at 10:50.

Tuesday 5 April 2011

A rough copy of our film for showcase

Here is a rough version of what our Opening looks like so far. We are at the stage were we are tweeking little areas that arent tidy for example were there are gaps that haven't yet been put together properly, and really focusing on getting all the sounds completed and exported. From our film showcase people noticed that the dialogue didn't make sense with our film and didn't fit with the genre, so we decided to do a voice over. But we will soon out the finished film onto our blogs.

Film Showcase

We had our film showcase today were we watched everyone's opening sequence and then wrote our responses to them. For example we stated what we liked most about them and also what we could improve on. We had a number of people that gave us feedback and wrote they wrote and rated the Sound, Characters and Camera etc. on a evaluation sheet.
Most people hadn't quite finished there films for example the sound wasn't in time or the cuts hadn't been put together properly but we took this into consideration and just wrote what we think personal would improve their film.

When we showed our opening to the class we had to stand up and introduce the characters that are in the movie and also say where it was filmed and also we explain that the credits aren't in order yet and there is no sound as we haven't finished that yet.

Final Editing Stages

Our deadline is Thursday so this means that we dont have much time at all to complete all of the work set. So because of this Me Chloe and Efosa stayed for a hour after school so we could sort out the music for our opening, as we have not got any sound on the video yet except for digetic sound which was there when we filmed it. Also where there was interruptions with phones and other electronic equipment there is a lot of buzzing and hissing that we had to make sure was gone before we could send it of. This is what we sorted out today and tomorrow in our lesson we plan to finish the music ready to start the evaluation.